The side-bar menu on the left gives access to the following sections of the Portal:
Organization selector: If the organization in use has one or more sub-organizations, they will be listed in this drop down menu selector.
Changing between different organizations affects the visualization of the resources of the same: devices, channels, channels lists, audio
files schedules and triggers
Devices: the device management section (registration, configuration, control, monitoring of each RetailPlayer device)
Channels: the channels are the stream URLs, this button gives access to the configuration of the channels
Channel list: channel lists are group of channels, this button gives access to the configuration of the channel lists
Audio files: manage audio clips to be scheduled on a weekly scheduler and played by interlacing with the streaming channels or create
trigger sets to play the audio files manually from the QR Code web app or from the Portal directly
Organizations: gives an overview of the main organization and the items belonging to it (sub-organizations, users, devices, channel lists)
Users: the user management section (creation, management, privileges assignment)
In the lower section, on the left, it is possible to visualize the name of the logged user. It is possible to assign a user to multiple organizations and
give to the same user different permissions to access or not the areas on the Portal. If a user is assigned to more than one Organization.
Continue the reading to learn more about how users and organizations are handled.
Devices management
The "Devices" button gives access to the device list. All the registered devices of an organization and its sub-organizations are listed in this list.
To list only devices part of a sub organization select the corresponding sub organization from the drop down menu present in the side bar
The device list is organized as follow, from top to bottom:
Quick Filters with counters and search bar
ONLINE device filter.
Click on this button to list only online devices. The number in the icon represents the number of online devices in the list
OFFLINE device filter.
Click on this button to list only offline devices. The number in the icon represents the number of offline devices in the list
FALLBACK URL device filter.
Click on this button to list only devices that are currently playing the fallback url. The number in the icon represents the
number of devices that are in this condition
FAILOVER TRACKS device filter.
Click on this button to list only devices that are currently playing the failover tracks. The number in the icon represents the
number of devices that are in this condition