*Only available from FW V6.3 onward
By clicking on the button SUBMIT all the changes made in the SETTINGS page are applied in the configuration.
By clicking on CANCEL all the changes are not applied and the fields return to their previous inserted value.
Status Page
On the top navigation bar click on STATUS to visualize the current status of the RetailPlayer device. The status report offers device information
on the hardware and the application status. It’s a quick overview of the RetailPlayer device's current configuration.
The Status Page displays the following information:
Application Status
Portal URL
The current portal URL configured in the settings page
Active stream
The audio stream that is currently playing. It is a useful indication to verify if it is playing any stream among priority, main, failover or
fallback tracks (failover playlist with mp3 files)
Priority stream
The priority stream URL configured on the settings page. This is the stream with the highest priority, if it is received it will overlap
any other stream currently playing
Main stream
The main stream URL configured on the settings page
Failover stream
The failover stream URL configured on the settings page
Current playback
The playback volume of the player currently set. If the device is used in Portal mode the volume is set from the Portal, in stand-
alone mode, the volume is set from the settings page
Failover Playlist
This is the name of the
file saved in the device configuration. It is filled automatically when fallback tracks are identified, either
from the Portal, when the device is used in Portal mode or from the USB drive, when used in stand-alone mode
The actual fallback tracks (mp3 files) the device will play in absence of any stream provided. This field is useful to verify if the fallback
tracks uploaded from the Portal are actually retrieved from the device
NOTE: When the tracks are retrieved from the Portal the name of the file is the unique identifier used in the Portal to match with the
corresponding resource