– 10 –
s_IR n
Auto-IRIS compensation mode
This command sets a compensation value for the IRIS when the IRIS function of
the unit is set to auto-mode.
The compensation value, “n” can be selected from –3 to +7.
(Note that +1 is not the same as +1EV for a camera.)
–3 means the iris is closed completely, and +3 means the iris is opened fully.
m_IRO t
Open Iris
m_IRC t
Close Iris
These commands control the Manual Iris of the lens.
The iris motor is activated for the time specified, where t = time (msec).
The specified time has a different movement, depending on the position of the
focus ring.
The minimum value of “t” is 134 msecs.
The manual Iris is set using “s_AEOFF” command.
When the iris is set to the auto-IRIS mode, this command is invalid.