– 2 –
When logged on, the unit displays the following message and waits for a command.
230 User logged in
for “upper lighting on,” and the message
“200 Complete!!”
for “upper lighting off” to log off.
As Telnet does not provide any log off command, switching off will log off
3-2: Log in with FTP
From the windows DOS prompt, enter the FTP IP address (e.g.: ftp
and the FTP client is activated.
As FTP always requests for identification (user ID and password), you should log on
using the user ID and password that are already assigned.
However, when the user ID is “anonymous,” any password will do.
When logging on, the following is displayed.
230 User name accepted
Then, input
The Windows’ FTP command list is displayed. (Note: these are not the same
commands that PRECA 1280i supports.)
FTP protocol is for transferring files, the PRECA 1280i enables you to exchange
ASCII commands by issuing the expansion commands.
“ftp>literal excm s_ulon”
. The lighting on as Telnet.
“excm” is the expansion command in FTP protocol.
The Windows FTP client uses the literal command, but other FTP clients may be
When logging off, input:
221 Goodbye
3-3: To control with RS-232C
The client software for RS-232C is not provided for standard Windows. You should
use either free software or the computer language BASIC or C.
The communication format for the RS-232C is any format other than 9600bps, B8,
S1 and None. These are unchangeable.