Installation & Operations
Blü-Test Wireless Test Instruments
Building Automation Products, Inc., 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel:+1-608-735-4800 • Fax+1-608-735-4804 • E-mail:[email protected] •
rev. 08/16/21
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Temperature to
This tool will
calculate the
resistance of a
BAPI Thermistor
or RTD sensor
when you enter a
temperature. The
most common
Thermistors and
RTDs are included
in the tool.
The application Settings Screen
allows the user to make universal
changes to the units of measure
for any probes that the application
discovers. Changes to specific
probes can still be made via the
gauges view of the specific probe.
Resistance to
This tool will
calculate the
temperature when
you enter the
resistance of the
BAPI Thermistor
or RTD. The
most common
Thermistors and
RTDs are included
in the tool. The
tool provides
the nominal
temperature plus
the high and low
values that would
still be within the
specified accuracy
of the sensor.
The Tools screen includes a number of helpful tools for converting
temperature to resistance and resistance to temperature for various
sensors. These include:
Sect. 8: Tools Section of the Home Screen - Blü-Test Application continued....
Fig. 28:
Temp to
Resistance Tool
Fig. 29:
Resistance to
Temp Tool
Fig. 30:
Settings Tool
Fig. 27:
Tools Section
of the Home Screen