WARNING: Interfacing of Both OSSDs
Both OSSD (Output Signal Switching Device) outputs must be connected to the machine control so that
the machine’s safety-related control system interrupts the circuit to the machine primary control
element(s), resulting in a non-hazardous condition.
Never wire an intermediate device(s) (for example, PLC, PES, or PC) that can fail in such a manner that
there is the loss of the safety stop command, OR in such a manner that the safety function can be
suspended, overridden, or defeated, unless accomplished with the same or greater degree of safety.
Failure to follow these instructions could result in serious injury or death.
WARNING: OSSD Interfacing
To ensure proper operation, the Banner device output parameters and machine input parameters must
be considered when interfacing the Banner device OSSD outputs to machine inputs. Machine control
circuitry must be designed so that the maximum load resistance value is not exceeded and that the
maximum specified OSSD Off-state voltage does not result in an On condition.
Failure to properly interface the OSSD Outputs to the guarded machine could result in serious injury or
External device monitoring (EDM) is a function used to monitor the state of the external, positively guided (mechanically
linked) machine control contacts (Final Switching Devives (FSD) and/or MPCEs). The SI-RF Safety Switch does not include
the EDM function. As a result, the SI-RF Safety Switch should be used with an external safety monitoring device that
monitors the status of the two SI-RF Safety Switch OSSDs and is capable of providing the EDM function.
Examples of appropriate external safety monitoring devices include Banner SC10-2roe, SC26-2, and XS26-2 Safety
Controllers; Banner UM-FA-9A and UM-FA-11A Universal Input Safety Modules; and Safety PLCs.
• The SI-RF Safety Switch does not have external device monitoring (EDM).
• If EDM is required for the application, it must be implemented in the external control.
Fault-Tolerant Output Feature
Faults that do not immediately compromise the safe operation of the SI-RF Safety Switch (for example safety output to
external potential, crosswire short safety output) result in a delayed switch-off of the safety outputs.
The safety outputs switch off when the error warning exceeds 20 minutes. In case of error warning, the red LED flashes
code BC2.
Use this fault-tolerant output feature to run down the machinery in a controlled manner. After fixing the fault, the error
message is confirmed by a voltage reset. The safe outputs enable and allow a restart.
3.8.3 Wiring for Single PNP (SI-RFP)
5-conductor, cannot be wired in series
A movable safety guard is monitored through one SI-RF Safety Switch. The safety outputs of the SI-RF Safety Switch are
connected to a safety monitoring module. When the safety guard is closed (actuator detected), the SI-RF Safety Switch
switches on its safety outputs.
When being used individually, the SI-RFP series offers a simple 5-pin wiring scheme. Use the optional PNP auxiliary output
to transfer non-safety related status information.
SI-RF Non-Contact RF Safety Switch
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767