97282 v.3.0
To route the Derringer starter
cable through the firewall, we
recommend taking advantage of the
removable factory clutch master
cylinder block-off plate. From inside
the cab of the vehicle, locate the two
studs / nuts protruding into the cab,
above and to the right of the steering
shaft firewall pass-through. See
. Remove the nuts, then push the
blockoff plate free of the firewall
(pressing on the backside of the plate
\ through the center opening in the
firewall) to release the factory adhesive
From the engine bay side of the
firewall, locate and remove the block-
off plate. Secure it in a vice, and drill
a 3/16” pilot hole in the center of the
plate. See
Figure 16.
Enlarge the hole
to 9/16”, to allow the smaller connector
of the Derringer Starter Cable to pass
through the block-off plate from the
engine compartment side, so it comes
out in the same direction the mounting
bolts face. See
Figure 17
. Then
reinstall the blockoff plate, taking care
to not pinch or trap any wires.
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 15
Ram 1500
Ram 1500
Ram 1500