Appendix A
Mobile Panel 40/50 User's manual V1.80
According to machine regulations, a machine is understood to be an entire collection of interconnected compo-
nents, with at least one being movable. Along with the mechanical components, the actuator, controller and en-
ergy components are also part of a machine. See also Automation Object.
Machinery directive
Machine guideline 89/392/EEC has the task of ensuring the free movement of goods for machines in the Euro-
pean Union (with this machine systems and removable equipment are also meant), separately introduced safety
components as well as load absorption equipment. This has led to harmonized structural demands and conformity
evaluation processes, which must be fulfilled by the people responsible for this. This particularly concerns safety
requirements and health protection in relation to machine construction.
Maintenance Controller Extended >
The MTCX is an independent processor system that provides additional
functions for a B&R Industrial PC that are not available with a normal PC. The MTC communicates with the B&R
Industrial PC via the ISA bus (using a couple register).
Module keyblock >
A common term given to keys found on Provit display units. They can be freely configured
with Mkey utilities.
Original Equipment Manufacturer >
A company that integrates third-party and in-house manufactured compo-
nents into their own product range and then distributes these products under its own name.
A material thing that can be seen and touched. A person or thing to which a specified action or feeling is directed. In
the context of software, it is a self-contained unit that contains specific data [attributes] and functions [operations].
Colloquially: 1. Synonym for record or meeting minutes. 2. The original draft of a diplomatic document. In the area
of Information technology (IT): Specifications regarding data formats and control procedures for communication
between two devices or processes. The protocol can be implemented as hardware or software and mainly includes
the following aspects: the type of error detection used, the data compression method (if used) and the way the
sender indicates the end of the information sent and the receiver indicates that the information has been received.
Power Panel
Devices from this B&R product family combine visualization, control and I/O components in one compact device.
Action, event or procedure in which continuous or discontinuous, quantitative or qualitative changes to parame-
ters or states of a real or virtual object or media being observed take place. Every process has a defined start and
a defined end. Depending on what happens during a process or which objects undergo the process, it is possible
to differentiate between many types of economic and industrial processes such as value-added processes [pro-
duction and manufacturing processes], service processes [logistics, maintenance and repair processes], man-
agement processes [planning and maneuvering processes], etc. For technological processes, a differentiation is
often made between continuous processes, discontinuous processes and charge processes depending on the
continuity of the main process activity.
PROcessVIsualizationTerminal >
Product family name for B&R Industrial PCs.
Provit 2000
Product family name for B&R Industrial PCs. It is divided into the following products: IPC2000, IPC2001, Compact
IPC (IPC2002) and the display units belonging to them.
Provit 5000
Product family name for B&R Industrial PCs. It is divided into the following products: IPC5000, IPC5600,
IPC5000C, IPC5600C and the display units belonging to them.
Quarter Video Graphics Array >
Generally a screen resolution of 320×240.
Read Only Memory >
Nonvolatile memory. Contents of the memory are stored by the chip manufacturer in final
mask step [also called mask-programmed ROM]. It can only be read and constantly remains in the same form.
Recommended Standard Number 232 >
Oldest and most widespread interface standard, also called a V.24
interface. All signals are referenced to ground making this an imbalanced interface. High level: -3 to -30 V, low
level: +3 to +30 V; Cable lengths up to 15 m, transfer rates up to 20 kbit/s. For point-to-point connections between
2 participants.
Terminals are used to connect or attach electrical conductors. Terminals can be arranged in a row and usually
have two separate poles (connection points). Single or multi-pole terminals (terminal blocks) can be grouped as
terminal strips.
An electric device that causes a defined change in one or more electrical output circuits when a change occurs to
a value on the input circuit [current, voltage or their derivatives over time, as well as the sum, difference, product or
quotient of several electrical values]. The following types are differentiated between according to DIN VDE 0435
depending on their functioning principle: Electromechanical relay, if they function according to the movement of
mechanical elements resulting from the effects of an electric current on the input circuit; Electrothermal relay
[thermal or bimetal relay]
, if they function according to the deformation of thermal elements (directly or indirectly
caused by the bimetal strips being heated by the input current); Static relay, if they function according to elec-
tronic, magnetic, optical or other methods without moving mechanical elements or thermal elements. Switching
relays and measurement relays are also differentiated between depending on their use. Switching relays are
used as control relays, auxiliary relays, intermediate relays, timing relays, stepping relays, indicator relays and in
other specifications for creating simple control applications. Measurement relays are used as protective relays,
overload relays, monitoring relays, differential relays, distance relays, negative-phase-sequence relays and in
other designs as monitoring, protective and diagnostics functions.
Receive (RX) Data >
A line for transferring serial data received from one device to another, e.g. from a modem to
a computer. For connections complying with the RS-232-C standard, the RXD is connected to pin 3 of the plug.
Synchronic Dynamic Random Access Memory >
A form of dynamic RAM semiconductor modules that can be
operated at high clock rates.
Programmable Logic Controller >
Computer-based control device that functions using an application program.
The application program is relatively easy to create using standardized programming languages [IL, FBD, LAD,
AS, ST]. Because of its serial functionality, response times are slower compared to connection-oriented control.
Today, PLCs are available in device families with matched modular components for all levels of an automation
Static Random Access Memory >
A high-speed RAM semiconductor type that is mostly used in computers for
cache memory. Using a backup battery, the contents of this memory can also be retained during a power failure.
From the hardware point of view, an interface is the connection point between two modules/devices/systems. The
units on both sides of the interface are connected by the interface lines so that data, addresses, and control signals
can be exchanged. The term interface includes all functional, electrical and constructive conditions [coding, signal
level, pinout], which characterize the connection point between the modules, devices or systems. Depending
on the type of data transfer, a differentiation is made between parallel [e.g. Centronics, IEEE 488] and serial
interfaces [e.g. V.24, TTY, RS232, RS422, RS485], which are set up for different transfer speeds and transfer
distances. From the point of view of software, the term interface describes the transfer point between program
modules using specified rules for transferring the program data.