Appendix A
Mobile Panel 40/50 User's manual V1.80
Literal meaning: Wall that provides fire protection >
A term used for an electronic, hardware and/or software-based
security system between two networks, (i.e. Intranet and Internet), which protects the computer or internal com-
pany network from unauthorized access from the Internet. Only data for specific, authorized services are allowed
to pass through the security barrier at a strictly defined point.
Firmware is software used to operate computer-controlled devices that generally stays in the device throughout
its lifespan or over a long period of time.
Such software includes operating systems for CPUs and application programs for industrial PCs as well as pro-
grammable logic controllers (e.g. the software in a washing machine controller). This software is written in read-
only memory (ROM, PROM, EPROM) and cannot be easily replaced.
Functional safety
Safety against the dangers resulting from device malfunction (aggregate, machine, operating equipment, sys-
tem). In accordance with IEC 61508: Part of the overall safety, based on the control object [EUC] and its control
system, which depends on the proper functioning of the E/E/PE safety-related system, safety systems from other
technologies and external devices for risk minimization. This is achieved while the planning, configuring, operat-
ing and maintaining the system by avoiding and/or handling potential malfunctions and by preventing dangerous
system failures.
Diskette >
A round plastic disk with an iron oxide coating that can store a magnetic field. When the floppy disk
is inserted in a disk drive, it rotates so that the different areas (or sectors) of the disk's surface are moved under
the read/write head. This allows the magnetic orientation of the particle to be modified and recorded. Orientation
in one direction represents binary 1, while the reverse orientation represents binary 0.
Gigabyte >
1 GB = 1024 MB or 1,073,741,824 bytes
Device used to connect two networks that have different protocols. For example, when using INTERBUS a gate-
way represents a component, which couples other transfer systems to the INTERBUS.
In common usage, the word "device" is a synonym for an apparatus, instrument, piece of equipment, appliance,
tool or utensil. This mostly refers to fixed or mobile equipment with relatively small spatial dimensions, with a
specific function or special area of use that is generally designated using a preceding word such as in the phrases
sporting device, medical device, kitchen device, hearing device, measuring device, control device, automation
device, peripheral device etc. Furthermore, there are fixed and mobile large devices, such as those used in
the military (tanks, aircraft, ships), medical (MRI scanners), geological (earth drilling equipment, and conveyor
bridges) as well as those used in research (e.g. particle accelerator). From a technical standpoint (DIN 40150),
devices are made up of components, units and modules. According to regulations regarding electromagnetic
compatibility of devices, a device is considered any electrical or electronic apparatus, system, construction or
network, which contains electrical or electronic parts. This device definition contradicts guidelines that are well-
established and also documented in DIN standards [see above] and widely accepted by engineers, and therefore
causes many misunderstandings when using the regulations regarding electromagnetic compatibility of devices.
Hard Disk Drive >
Fixed magnetic mass memory with high capacities, e.g. 120 GB.
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol >
Data transfer protocol for HTML pages and all types of files coupled to them. It is
the protocol that the entire WWW is based on. That means, it controls the interaction between web browser and
web server. It becomes active with each mouse-click on a hyperlink and ensures that the browser is provided
the respective information.
On computer systems with multiple CPUs and bus masters, this refers to the device with the arbitration
unit and host CPU or the device that has control of the complete system. With regard to the Internet, a constantly
available network server is called a host.
Hot Swap >
Changing computer components during operation. There are three different level: basic hot swap, full
hot swap and the high availability model. Basic hot swap is the simplest form in which the module to be exchanged
is deactivated or the computer configuration is changed using the computer keyboard. Computer specialists are
normally needed. With full hot swap, software installed on the components being exchanged handles activation
and deactivation. An integrated switch on the front of the component signals the computer that removing the
component will start or that inserting the new component is complete. An LED on the front side shows that the
component can be removed or that the new component has been inserted. The high availability model is used
in computer systems with high availability requirements. Here, the hot swap software does not control each
component individually, instead it uses a separate hot swap controller [HSC]. This allows faulty boards to be
automatically deactivated and prevents crashes.
In this context, a hub is a central connection point in a network with star formed topology, which distributes
incoming data packets to all connected end devices [similar to the way a multiple power socket distributes power].
Integrated Device Electronics >
Interface for mass memory, such as HDDs, in which the controller electronics
are found in the drive itself.
International Electrotechnical Commission >
International standards organization that includes all national elec-
tro-technical committees. It specifies electro-technical standards worldwide; location: Geneva.
Industry Standard Architecture >
Early bus system for expansion slots allowing installation of add-on PC cards.
In modern PC architectures, it has mostly been replaced by the PCI bus.
International Organization for Standardization >
Worldwide federation of national standardization institutions from
over 130 countries. ISO is not an acronym for the name of the organization; it is derived from the Greek word
isos, meaning "equal".
International Network >
Worldwide collection of computers and computer networks of various sizes and architec-
tures that work with various operating systems. Information is stored remote computers [servers] that can be ac-
cessed by anyone at any time from their computers [clients]. It has developed in steps in resent decades and now
is the basis for the worldwide exchange of data, for example via e-mail. It is currently the most popular network
in the world with approximately 500 million users.
Liquid Crystal Display>
LCDs are not lit themselves, they reflect light from their environment or allow light to pass
through from behind.
Light Emitting Diode>
Illuminated diodes
Megabyte >
1 MB = 220 or 1,048,576 bytes
Mean Time Between Failures >
The mean time between two failures for repairable objects and reliability para-
Maintenance Controller >
A standalone processor system in B&R industrial PCs, which provides additional func-
tions for system monitoring and availability.