B&B ARMR: A Division of B&B Roadway and Security Solutions
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0773-9001 Rev D
B&B ARMR reserves the right to change any information concerning product or specification without notice or obligation.
– Drive Clevis Assembly: A group of components (assembly) specific to the 828 Series of
products used to interface the actuator with the barrier. This assembly includes bolts, pins, blocks and
other components.
– Department of State: An abbreviation commonly used to refer to Department of State crash
ratings such as, K4, K8 and K12. Most DOS requirements have been replaced with newer ASTM
standards for crash rating.
– Emergency Fast Operation: A term used to describe a situation where a barrier operates at an
emergency maximum speed. Not all products are capable of EFO. EFO is typically achieved by using
specialty electro-linear actuators or pressure accumulators for hydraulically driven systems. EFO is
normally activated by an “Emergency” button on a control panel or through software.
– Electric Power Unit: A control enclosure used to house the various control devices for an
electrically actuated barrier. This enclosure is typically mounted remotely, away from the barrier and is
connected via underground conduit. Some units may attach the enclosure directly to the barrier, as seen
on the 77X series. Typically the control systems operate an electro-linear actuator on the barrier.
– Foot Pounds: A unit of work equal to a force of one pound-force through a linear displacement
of one foot. This is often used to express torque required to secure fasteners, such as bolts and is
commonly represented as Lb-ft (Pound-Feet) to eliminate confusion between torque and work units.
– Hydraulic Pumping Unit: A control enclosure used to house the various control and pumping
components for a hydraulically actuated barrier. This enclosure is typically mounted remotely, away
from the barrier and is connected to the barrier via underground conduit and hydraulic high pressure
hoses. Some enclosures may attach directly to the barrier, as seen on the 77X series. The control systems
operate a hydraulic pump and valve system used to drive hydraulic cylinders on the barrier.
– Installation Manual: Is an instructional manual that explains the installation requirements and steps
for a product series.
– Light Emitting Diode: A type of light that consumes low energy and is typically low voltage
(below 12V).
– Maintenance Lock Bar: A device used to mechanically lock the linkage arms of an 828 Series
Wedge Barrier during maintenance work.
– Operation and Maintenance: Refers to a type of instructional manual used to explain the
operation and maintenance requirements of a product series.
– Programmable Logic Controller: A programmable solid state electronic control device that
controls machinery by using predetermined program logic.
– Pounds Force per square foot: A unit of measure for pressure over a given area.
– Underwriters Laboratory: A 3
party standards development, testing and certification agency.