7.5.7. It is recommended to keep gas balloons in a special metal cabinet in order to limit access of children and unauthor-
ized persons to them.
7.6. Hoses installation rules
7.6.1. Hoses used for the appliance
’s connection must be certified for conforming use.
After their working lifespan
’s termination the hoses must be necessarily replaced.
7.6.2. Connecting the appliance with the hoses the following installation rules must be
Do not twist the hoses along their direct axis;
Prevent the hose
’s bend next to the tips: the length of the hose’s section length at the
bonding, that must not be bended, must be not less than 50 mm;
The hose
’s bending radius, measured on the external generating line, must be not
less than 90 mm.
It is recommended to:
Use angle joints and adapters in order to avoid the hoses
’ bending next to the tips;
Use intermediate bearers when installing long hoses;
In case of linear position install the hoses with freespan.
The recommended mounting schemes of the flexible hoses are represented in table 4.
7.6.3. The hose mounting must be started from the hose
’s fixed elements, which have pipe cylindrical thread (if the
mating part is fixed).
7.6.4. Tightening of the threaded joint of the tap with the mating part (radial connection) must be effectuated using belt
teflon pipe tape or a sealing material, providing the threaded
joint’s airtightness.
7.6.5. The threaded joinst of captive nuts (end joint), both adjustable and fixed, with mating tap must be effectuated
using layings. The laying material is oil and petrol resistant rubber, asbestos-free paronite or polytetrafluorethylene (teflon).
Table 4. Flexible hoses installation schemes