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When time hasn’t been programmed, the “TIME” icon flashes. To set the time,
press ”Time” then “Mode/Prog”. Use the “Warm” and “Cool” buttons to adjust time.
Press the "Option" button once to turn the option equipment on or off.
Such as Blower.
If a fiber-optic light with wheel is installed, press the “Fiber” button once to start the
light and wheel, press it again to stop the wheel, and then again to turn the light off.
Press the "Invert" button to change the numbers in the display to read upside down.
Press again to return the display to its normal right-side-up display.
Freeze Protection
(GL8000 system only)
If the temperature sensors within the heater detect a low enough temperature, then
the pump(s) and the blower automatically activate to provide freeze protection. The
pump(s) and blower will run either continuously or periodically depending on
Locking the Panel
(GL8000 system only)
Press “Time” “Jets 1” then “Warm” within 3 seconds.
When locked, the PL “PL” light will light. All buttons are frozen except the “Time”
button. To unlock the panel, press “Time” “Jets 1” then “Cool”.
Locking the Set Temperature
(GL8000 system only)
Press “Warm” or “Cool” then “Time”, “Jets 1” and “Warm” within 3 seconds to activate
the lock. The TL “TL” light will light when the set temperature is locked.
Clean-up Cycle
(optional, GL8000 system only)