15 December 1994
4 - 3
thermocouple input types. In this case, S4 of function code 216
must be within the following:
S4 < x20
S4 < x99
Example 2
If calibrating a channel for high level voltage, then S4 of func-
tion code 217 must be set to one and S4 of function code 216
must be set to one of the high level voltage ranges (four to 20
milliamps is considered high level input type). In this case,
function code 216 should be within the following:
S4 < x60
S4 = x99
Example 3
If calibrating a channel for RTD mode, then S4 of function code
217 must be set to two and S4 of function code 216 must set to
any one of the RTD types. In this case, S4 of function code 216
should be within the following range:
S4 < x40
The operator starts, guides, and ends the field calibration with
function code 217. Commands are initiated by tuning this
block. The command errors are provided as an output (N+4) of
this function block. It reflects the status of the most recently
issued calibration command.
The status of a channel field calibration is also reported as an
output (N+1) of this function block. This output shows the sta-
tus for the channel referenced in the most recent field calibra-
tion command. Refer to
for more information about
function code 217.
Field calibration is not necessary in normal situations.
is possible to perform calibration procedures in the field if ultra
stable, known, precision references are available. Field calibra-
tion data is stored in NVRAM.
Factory calibration data is stored in a unique NVRAM area. If a
field calibration does not provide the desired results, the fac-
tory calibration data can be restored. Do this by tuning specifi-
cation 1 of function code 217 to an 11.
A user can compensate signal readings by changing the gain or
offset of the point signal. In most cases changing these values
will take the place of a field calibration. Refer to function code
217 specification 5.