Protection function
High temperature protection:
The electronic temperature sensor on the
control panel will transmit the real-time temperature to the chip of the
control panel. The control sensor starts protection when the electronic
temperature s ensor g auge t he cu rrent t emperature i s h igher t han a
certain value, to reduce the heating level of the cooking zone currently,
and resumes the heating level after the temperature drops.
Residual heat protection:
When the whole appliance stops heating, the
digital tube o f the relative heating zone will display high temperature
warning symbol “ ”, indicating that cooking surface temperature is
too high, please do not touch to avoid getting burned.
PCB board fault codes and solutions
When a PC B b oard f ailure o ccurs, t he t imer di gital t ubes o n t he di splay
panel always display the fault code, and all the burners that are being
heated stop heating, and automatically return to the shutdown state after 1
minute. F or t he b urners t hat h ave b een w orked, t he c orresponding d igital
tube continues to display the high temperature warning sign " ". When the
fault c ode a ppears, please r efer t o t he s cheme i n t he f ollowing t able t o
Fault code
Type of fault
The display board does not
receive the signal of power
supply board.
The communication line
failure of power supply
board or display board can
cause communication
Replace the display board
first. If the fault persists,
replace the power supply
The power supply board does
not receive the signal of
display board.