Before first use
: You sh ould c lean t he c eramic h ob su rface (see
“Cleaning and maintenance” section).
You should switch on one cooking zone at a time, for 5 minutes at the
maximum s etting. This w ill help t o e liminate a ny n ew s mell t hat e xists a nd
evaporate a ny h umidity t hat h as f ormed o n the h eating e lements du ring
Do not burn off more than one zone at once.
You must place a saucepan filled half full with cold water on each zone
as you burn it off.
Power on
After switch on the appliance, the hob will beep for once to remind
power on,all of the indicator digital tubes on the display screen will lit on
for 2s, then the appliance goes into shutdown mode.
Shutdown status: All the display will close except the high temperature
warning s ymbol “ ”; At t his t ime, o nly t he p ower b utton “
” c an
operated b y pressing and h olding, a nd other button o perations a re
Standby mode
Under shutdown status, press and hold “
” button for 3s, the hob will
beep for once and then enter standby mode.
All the indicator digital tubes of the cooking zone will display “
symbol “ ” w ill s how i n t he cooking z one indicator if t here is r esidual
heat), timer place will show “
” as well, it will not heat at this time.