leads, do n ot t ouch the h ob a s t he
insulation m aterial o f t his e quipment
is u sually n ot r esistant to h igh
6. Do not switch on the hob until a pan
has been placed on it.
7. Do not put pans weighing over 25kg
on the hob.
8. Do n ot us e t he c eramic h ob in t he
event of a technical fault. Any faults
must b e f ixed b y a n a ppropriately
qualified and authorized person.
9. ln the event of any incident caused
by a t echnical fault, d isconnect the
power a nd r eport th e f ault to th e
service centre to be repaired.
10. The rules and provisions contained in
this i nstruction m anual sh ould b e
strictly o bserved. Do n ot al low
anybody who is not familiar with the
contents of this instruction manual to
operate the ceramic hob.
11. The ceramic hob should not be
cleaned using steam cleaning