AXIS P1343-E Network Camera
Video and Audio
Audio Output
An external speaker can be connected to the product’s Audio-out connector. The output can be used with high impedance
headphones or connected to another ampli
er with speakers.
gure the audio output settings under
Video & Audio
Audio Settings
Output gain -
Control the volume (dB Full Scale) of the line audio output. If the sound is too low, choose a higher dB. If the
sound is too high, choose a lower dB.
Audio Clips
An audio clip is a sound
le that can be played either when an event occurs or manually from the
Live View
page. Audio clips can
be uploaded to the product or recorded by a microphone connected to the product.
You can add, play, download, modify and remove audio clips from
Video & Audio
Audio Clips
. For more information see the
online help
Audio clips cannot be used if the product’s audio functionality is enabled. The audio functionality is enabled on the
tab under
Video & Audio > Video Stream