AXIS M4308-PLE Panoramic Camera
The device interface
The device interface
You reach the device interface by entering the IP address of the device in a web browser.
Support for the features and settings described in this section varies between devices.
Show or hide the main menu.
Access the product help.
Change the language.
Set light theme or dark theme.
See information about the user who is logged in.
The context menu contains:
Analytics data
: Accept to share non-personal browser data.
: Share any feedback to help us improve your user experience.
: View information about cookies and licenses.
: View device information, including firmware version and serial number.
Legacy device interface
: Change the device interface to the legacy device interface.
NTP sync
Shows NTP synchronization information, including if the device is in sync with an NTP server and the time remaining until
the next sync.
NTP settings
: Click to go to the Date and time page where you can change the NTP settings.
Device info
Shows device information, including firmware version and serial number.
Upgrade firmware
: Click to go to the Maintenance page where you can do a firmware upgrade.