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Special functions
Thanks to the software from PC HPSOFT, it is possible to make the best use of the potential of
digital technology.
HPSOFT allows, for each digital barrier:
- microwave signals
- outputs status (alarm - disqualification - tamper)
- input status (AUX)
- barrier diagnostic (temperature - test point - compensation on/off - power supply)
- alarms history with over 3600 recordings complete of time and date
- customised archive by the installer
- synoptic barriers status (if connected in RS485 to satellite)
- signals recording archive per barrier
- sensitivity adjustment
- compensation adjustment
- valid signal threshold adjustment
- customisation archive dedicated to "FALSE ALARMS"
- customisation archive dedicated to "ALARMS"
- signals recording
- select the detection method:
- traditional detection mode
- ALARMIDENTIFY detection mode
- upgrade firmware (not active in PSTN/GSM)
These functions are active with USB connection in local, meaning directly connected on to the
digital barrier receiver, or in USB on XSATHP satellite or PSTN/GSM telephone connection.
Once the management software is installed, it is necessary to create a numerical "New Code" in
"Clients Master" and define that it is BM 60 - 120 - 200 HP.
Return to initial screen
Activation of the USB/Telephone connection, for the displaying and
management of the barrier settings
Activation of the USB/Telephone connection, for the simultaneous
displaying of the barrier status
Activation of the USB/Telephone connection, for the displaying and
management of the barrier alarms history
Activation of the USB/Telephone connection for the customisation of
the signals library dedicated to the "Alarms/False Alarms"
Access to the local archive of the signals recordings carried out
manually by the installer
Access to the personal notes per system
Activation of the firmware upgrade procedure of the barrier