The Power of Being There
The Menu Bar
System information related to your on-line Managed Systems can be refreshed by polling
(Console Menu > Poll; or click the Poll button on the Tool Bar). A log entry will be generated
each time this function is executed. Each entry in the Polling log shows:
Start Time
The date/time the Polling process began. (Sorted by this column.)
System Polled
Shows the total number of systems that were polled for information.
System Updated
Shows the total number of systems for which information was
Agent ID Sync
For every UnManaged system that is synchronized with a Managed system, a log entry is
generated (Client Menu > Sync Agent ID with...). Each entry in the Agent ID Sync log shows:
The date/time the Agent ID was synchronized. (Sorted by this column.)
System Name
Shows the System Name of the Agent ID that was synchronized.
Original ID
Shows the original ID of the Agent that was synchronized.
New ID
Shows the new ID of the Agent that was synchronized.
The example below shows the message that displays when no entries exist in a log file.