RFSoC Development Kit Getting Started Guide
Page 12
Qorvo Card Control
1. The Qorvo 2x2 Small Cell RF Front-end 1.8GHz Card is controlled from a Linux application
running on the Processing System (PS) APU of the RFSoC. Commands sent from the PC
through the USB_UART of ZCU111 are subsequently transferred to control registers on the
Qorvo card via an SPI BUS. Refer to the Avnet Qorvo 2x2 Small Cell RF Front-end 1.8GHz
Card Hardware User Guide for more information.
At the terminal command-
line, type ‘
to launch the control menu for the Qorvo card.
Note: If you make a mistake while typing commands in the Qorvo control menu, use the
keyboard ‘Delete’ key to backspace at the command line.
Figure 8 - Qorvo card command menu
2. Type
’ at the terminal command line, followed by a carriage return, to write default values to all
control registers in the programmable devices of the Qorvo card.