22 Sept 2016
II. Operating Temperature Range:
The PZCC-FMC-V2 Carrier Card has been designed and tested to operate at the commercial operating
temperature range of 0C to +70C. The temperature range is limited due to the temperature grade of many
of the components on the board.
Thermal testing has been successfully performed on a similar carrier card with all industrial variants
of PicoZed SOMs at the industrial temperature range (-40C to +85C). This testing was performed to
validate the SOMs operating range and not the carrier’s, therefore the carrier is not guaranteed to operate
at this range yet Avnet has not had a failure in doing so.
III. EMI Compliance:
There is no requirement for the PZCC-FMC-V2 to be tested to meet emissions compliance. However
there is a requirement for the PicoZed SOMs to meet emissions testing in which case the carrier card
may be used as the platform for testing. The test results may be posted on the
or contact your local FAE for the latest data. The PZCC-FMC version 1 has been used in testing and can
be referenced for expected emissions.