Step Track Hold Tracking
AvL Technologies
| Proprietary – Content is Subject to Change without Notice
Functional Overview
The Step Track Hold module provides three modes of operation.
In Step Track operating mode the module performs fine peaking at regular, user configurable intervals to maintain
accurate antenna beam pointing in circumstances where either the antenna or the target satellite are prone to small
or gradual movements.
The Position Hold operating mode the module uses the antenna positioner motors to return the positioner to set
pedestal azimuth and elevation coordinates while the module is active, compensating for external forces applied to the
antenna positioner/reflector by wind or other factors.
The Step Track Hold operating mode combines the functions of the Position Hold operating mode and the Step Track
operating mode by alternating between a position hold phase and a peaking phase at user configurable intervals.
In order to run the Step Track Hold module:
StepTrackHold must be selected as the “Tracking Method” configuration item in the target tab
“Run Track after Acquire” will cause the system to enter tracking at the end of an Acquire process
“Run Track after Peak” will cause the module will be activated after a successful completion of a Peak or
Repeak command.
“Run Track on Startup” will cause the module will be activated after about 30 seconds, if the antenna is both
idle and has an Rx lock with the Current Signal source after the antenna is powered up.
“Step Track Hold Operating Mode” allows the user to choose between the three available operating modes
for the StepTrackHold module
These configuration items are relevant to all of the operating modes.
Step Track Only
In order to run Step Track Only it needs to be set as the “Step Track Hold Operating Mode”. The following
configuration items control system behavior while in this mode.
The “Step Track Gradient Threshold” configuration item is used to prevent the antenna from walking off of
the target satellite during the peaking process if there is signal degradation due to rain fade or other cause. If
the “Current Signal Gradient” (sensor output) exceeds the “Step Track Gradient Threshold” then the “Step
Track Peaking Delay” interval timer is reset preventing the antenna from entering the peaking phase. This
threshold can be disabled by setting it to “0”.