03/10 Rev. 5.05-00
Info-Printouts & Parameters
AP 5.4 Gen II – AP 5.6
Rewinder adjust
AP 5.4
AP 5.6
Only with „Rewinder 2000“ installed.
Setting up the rewinder.
The rewinder setup compensates differeces in characteristic or assembly of
the light barrier.
CAUTION! - This parameter counts for both, the external
rewinder option
for AP 5.4 and the
backing paper rewinder
of the ALX 92x. But mind that the
setting values are different!
A setting description for the
rewinder option
is given in the „Manual Rewinder
2000“, paragraph
Adjusting the sensor
Resting pos.xxx
Setup of the resting position (xxx = actual sensor value).
End pos. xxx
Setup of the End position (xxx = actual sensor value).
The setting follows in both cases this scheme:
1. Bring the dancer arm to its resting position.
2. Press the cut button
the Online button (as with TTX x50)!
3. Bring the dancer arm to its end position.
4. Press the Online button.
AP 5.4
AP 5.6
General printtest, prints line by line the set printer type and the firmware ver-
sion. Material settings (Material type, length, width) are considered.
Stop the printtest by pressing the Online button.