User guide Andante 8
page 7
If you use a DHPC router connection make sure that the IP
number of the router is correct. For this purpose press the
preset bottom twice. Then turn the knob until the IP number
appears. Press with the left mouse bottom
and then
Remote Connection
Remote Server.
Enter the IP
adress and confirm with OK. On the display appears
When you click
in the menu bar
a pull-down menu with following
selection options is opened:
New Project
A new project is created
Open Project
An existig project is opened
Save Projekt
The project is saved
Save Project As
The project can be saved under a different name
Close Project
The project will be closed
Recent Projects
Saved projects can be considered
When you click
in the menu bar
a pull-down menu with following
selection options is opened:
Operation Mode
Choice between Online and Offline
Preset Store
Storing presets
Preset Retrieve
Retrieve presets
Preset Copy
Copying of presets
Other Functions
Store Without Sending
allows corrections during a live transmission
without switching in mute mode.