User guide Andante 8
page 19
Follow these steps:
1. Place speakers and microphones in performance positions.
2. Adjust the analog gain for each microphone channel. Try to set each microphone as close as possible to the
desired performance level while remaining under the point of feedback. If feedback occurs, slightly reduce the
analog gain or the channel fader until the feedback disappears.
3. Adjust for the desired tonal qualities using the parametric or graphical equalizer panels (eventually after tonal
compensations correct the Fader Level or Output Level channel).
Reduce the mixer’s preset volume (about -20 dB) respect the level at which the system will be operated and mute
all other mixer channels which you do not intend to ring out.
5. Active antifeedback pushing INSERT I/O button (green light) and leave all filters in AUTO mode.
Slowly raise the mixer’s preset volume until the antifeedback eliminates the first few feedback tones (all AUTO
filters are engaged in magnitude panel). You should be a few dB above the nominal preset volume.
7. Restore preset volume to the level at which the system will be operated.
8. Finally, for sound system with:
stationary microphones: set each notch filter to MANUAL mode
wireless microphones: leave each notch filter in AUTO mode.
hybrid microphones or to improve protection against unexpected feedbacks: arrange the first three or four
Be Alert” Procedure
For the “Be Alert” method, the antifeedback is simply activated in the sound system and all filters are left in AUTO
mode. If the feedback occurs, the antifeedback is ready to delete it.
This setup procedure is used for those systems, which already have sufficient gain-before-feedback margin but
need protection from sudden feedbacks, due mainly to non-stationary microphones or erroneous preset volume
adjusting by user during performance.
Follow these steps:
1. Place speakers and microphones in performance positions.
2. Adjust the analog gain for each microphone channel. Set each microphone to the desired performance level while
remaining under the point of feedback.
3. Adjust for the desired tonal qualities using the parametric or graphical equalizer panels (eventually after tonal
compensations correct the Fader Level or Output Level channel).
4. Active antifeedback pushing INSERT I/O button (green light) and leave all filters in
AUTO mode.