User guide Andante 8
page 16
Peakmeter (Output)
Peak Level
Overview adaptive automixer
Automixer processing is useful in situations where multiple microphones are used, such as in churches, board
rooms, conference rooms or courtrooms. Automixer solves the typical problems that occur when multiple mics are
In fact, the voice signal picked up by multiple microphones suffers from multi-path interference, also called comb
filtering. This multi-path interference affects the quality of the sound source by emphasizing sound at some
frequencies and canceling the sound at others
Moreover, multiple opened microphones could easily create multiple potential feedback loops and consequently
input gain must be limited.
Automixer is a real-time sound algorithm that automatically reduces the level of a microphone's audio signal when
it is not being used and maintain a steady limit on the overall signal level of the opened microphones.
Automixer has the following benefits:
Lowering hiss, rumble, reverberation and other extraneous noise that occur when several microphones operate
Improving gain before feedback.
Reducing the comb-filtering effect.
Automixer is ideally suited for applications such as churches, board rooms, conference rooms or courtrooms.