Avago Technologies-supplied fi rmware fi le contents into
the ADNS-6010. The fi rmware fi le is an ASCII text fi le with
each 2-character byte on a single line. Frame Capture is
a fast way to download a full array of pixel values from a
single frame.
To learn more about sensor’s technical information, please
visit the Avago Technologies web site at http://www.
Mouse Optics
The motion of Z-wheel is detected using the traditional
method by decoding the quadrature signal generated by
optical sensors. Two phototransistors are connected in
a source-follower confi guration. An infrared LED shines,
causing the phototransistors to turn on. In between the
phototransistors and LED is a pinwheel that turns on the
mouse ball rollers. The fan of this pinwheel is mechanical-
ly designed to block the infrared light such that the pho-
totransistors are turned on and off in a quadrature output
pattern. Every change in the phototransistor outputs rep-
resents a count of mouse movement. Comparing the last
state of the optics to the current state derives direction
information. As shown in Figure 2 below, traveling along
the quadrature signal to the right produces a unique set
of state transitions, and traveling to the left produces
another set of unique state transitions. In this reference
design, only the motion at the Z-wheel is detected using
this method.
Figure 2. Optics Quadrature Signal Generation
Mouse Buttons
Mouse buttons are connected as standard switches. These
switches are pulled up by the pull up resistors inside the
microcontroller. When the user presses a button, the
switch will be closed and the pin will be pulled LOW to
GND. A LOW state at the pin is interpreted as the button
being pressed. A HIGH state is interpreted as the button
has been released or the button is not being pressed.
Normally the switches are debounced in fi rmware for 15-
20ms. In this reference design there are three switches:
left, Z-wheel, and right.
USB Connection
The Sunplus SPCP825A has a confi guration register
that switches control from the SIE to manual control on
the D+ and D- pins. This allows the fi rmware to dynami-
cally confi gure itself to operate as a USB. The fi rmware
for this reference design will automatically detect the
host topology (USB) at plug-in and will confi gure itself
for operation on that bus. If a USB host connection is
detected then the fi rmware will enable the VREG pin,
such that the 1.3k ohm resistor connected to the D- line
can be pulled up to 3.3V. It is this action that causes the
host to recognize that there is a low-speed USB peripheral
attached. The connections for the connectors are shown
in Figure 3 below.
Figure 3. USB peripheral connector
Some details on ADNK-6013-SP01
The ADNK-6013-SP01 reference design mouse unit allows
users to evaluate the performance of the Optical Tracking
Engine (sensor, lens, LASER assembly clip, LASER) over a
USB connection, using a Sunplus SPCP825A USB Control-
ler. This kit also enables users to understand the recom-
mended mechanical assembly. (See Appendix C, and D)
System Requirements
PCs using Windows
95/ Windows
98/ Windows
2000 with standard 3-button USB mouse
driver loaded.
3-button, scroll wheel mouse.
Operating (For USB Mode)
Hot pluggable with USB port. The PC does not need to be
powered off when plugging or unplugging the evalua-
tion mouse.