Fig. 29:
External FTP Auto Download settings in the Web Interface.
Enable the
External FTP Auto Download by setting [Activation] to “On”. If you do not need this
function any more, set it back to “Off”.
Enter the FTP Server’s login data in the
corresponding text fields right of the item, consisting of:
[Server address] e.g. ftp.dummy.com
[Username] e.g. “User1”
[Password] e.g. “secret”
[Server folder] e.g. “/UHD Player content”
[Start date] & [Start time]
Set a [start date] in the format (dd:mm:yyyy) and a [start time] in the format (hh:mm:ss) by choosing
the values from the corresponding dropdown menus. This is needed to define the beginning of the
External FTP Auto Download.
[FTP Mode]
The FTP Mode defines how a data connection between FTP server and client is established.
By default, the FTP mode is set to “passive”. Alternatively, “active” can be chosen from the drop
down list.