With the above command you allow only people that are in the
white list
. This is the
standard and recommended option.
Change Password. Use this command to change the password with a new one that you will
choose for your device (don’t forget it or you will have to send the unit back to us to reset it,
and this has a cost!).
The #CAP command must be issued twice to be sure you don’t digit a wrong one. Of
course it must be preceded by the old password.
For example, to change the password 123456 into the new password 333444 you need to
send the following SMS:
# PWD123456#CAP333444#CAP333444
Wait to receive a confirmation with PWD OK and CAP OK if you wrote correctly, or an Error
message if you made a mistake.
Relay pulse time. This command is useful in case you need to keep the button pressed
longer. The standard time is 0.3 seconds (300ms). To change use the GOT command.
The syntax of the command is the following:
# PWD123456#GOT500
With the above command the opening time has been set to 500ms (0.5 seconds).
Check GSM signal quality. This command is useful to see what GSM network signal level
your AVG064 GSM Remote Control Device is receiving.
If you send the command:
You will receive an SMS with a signal quality ranging from 0 to 32 (if it is 0 we doubt it will
ever answer…). You should have a signal above 12 to ensure opening the gate in any
condition. Better if above 16. You should add an external antenna if this is not the case, or
eventually even change operator with another that serves your area better.
Inputs and Outputs Control
The AVG064 also comes with additional 1 Input and 1 Output. The output is connected to
an on-board relay that is activated by sending an SMS command. The Input can be used to
generate alarms when triggered. It can also be programmed to count the input active
pulses up to 1ms fast or activate the output relay.
When used as counters input work only in ACTIVE HIGH mode. They count ONLY
High Going Pulses.
One of the most important functions is to receive alarms. In order to do this properly, you
must turn on the function of the input and tell the AVG064 which are the recipient numbers
and who should receive the alert message for the particular input.