ColorMFA Manual, firmware v2.9.4_b31
Gear ratios
For proper indication on the main screen of the current transmis-
sion gear number in vehicles with manual gearbox, it is necessary to spec-
ify the gear ratios for the current gearbox.
In case of several final drives are used in the gearbox (such as 02M), it is
necessary to convert the values for the second main pair. For example:
- for gears 1 to 4, the main pair 1 with gear ratio is used. = 3.889
- for gears 5 to 6, the main pair 2 with gear ratio is used. = 3.245
- it is necessary to multiply the gear ratios of 5 and 6 gears by the gear
ratio of main pair 2 and divide by gear ratio of main pair 1.
- enter calculated value to the gear ratio of main pair 1.
Gearbox mode
The current transmission gear is displayed on the main screen at
the bottom. For an automatic transmission, you can select which data to
display on the screen. The following options are available:
the symbol of the gearbox mode (D-drive, P-parking and etc.)
will be displayed and the digit of the current gear when gearbox operated
in manual mode.
PRN1234 ...
- instead of the currently selected mode (D or S), the num-
ber of the current transmission gear is displayed. The symbols D and S
are not shown.
PRNDS + 1234 ...
- similar to PRNDS mode, only the small digit of the
current transmission gear will be indicated in the bottom corner of the
transmission display window.
Gearing assist.
On this screen, you can turn on a simple shift assistant for manual
gearbox. You can set at what engine RPM value to display a notification
about switching to higher or lower gear.
If you go beyond the specified limits, a flashing up or down arrow appears
in area of the current gear on the main screen, recommending you to
switch to the higher or lower gear.