COMfortel M-720 - Advanced Information - V01 08/2021
Company directory
If company directories (LDAP) are set up on the base station, they are available on the handset
with the following functions:
Scroll through directory or search directory entries
Show directory entries with details (no editing or deleting)
Select phone numbers directly from the directory
Transfer directory entries to the local directory
When a phone number is entered or there is an incoming call, a search of the directory is auto
matically performed for an entry matching the phone number. When an entry is found, the
name is displayed instead of the phone number.
Show the company directory on the phone display
The company directory is assigned to the INT key: Press
Directory entries
The following description is an example company directory display on a handset.
The menu shows all the directories that have been set up on the
base station and activated with the name assigned in each case. In
the example on the right, the directory is displayed as
Our direc
Select the directory
The phone performs a query on the LDAP server.
The directory is shown in accordance with the following rules:
The search starts in the (sub)directory defined as the search
basis on the LDAP server.
The entries are listed in alphabetical order.
Entries are displayed with
First name
when both
attributes are available in the LDAP database. Otherwise only
the last name or first name is displayed.
Depending on the setting on the base station, you can also access a company direc
tory from the directory key
Our directory
Directory 3
Directory 4
Directory 5
Directory 6
Our directory
Bond, Agnes
Bond, Paul
Brown, Susan