Installation Manual
Model M6400, M6800
Internet Connectivity and Control
For Apple/Mac Desktops and Laptops:
Your easiest method for connecting with a
Mac is to directly connect to The Director.
The default IP address of The Director is so in order to connect to
The Director M6400 or M6800, you will
need to give your computer a static IP
Change your Mac’s IP address to a static
address of 192.168.0.x – where x is a value
between 1 through 254, but not using 249.
If you don’t know where to start to find
out how to give your computer a static IP
address, please consult the Interwebs.
Be sure not to use a static IP address for
your computer that is in use by another
device – an IP address should be unique
across the local network – if it is not you’re
going to have another bad time.
Communications Options
The Director’s web server “Device Config-
uration” page has lots of communications
options you can play about with to your
own delight or at your peril. If you know
what you are doing, then you will feel
right at home.
Here are a few notes:
Server Gateway must be specified in order
to access the SNTP time server, likewise
for your email alerts to function properly.
DNS must be specified as well for the
SNTP and SMTP functions to work – (Default) or are public DNS
servers that the good folks at Google have
enabled for you to use.