XDS-PRO (PRO1R, PRO4R & PRO1S, PRO4S) Satellite Receivers - User Guide Rev. A R830001-2106
Confi dential & Proprietary
4.1.2 Tuner Tab
The Tuner Tab presents the user with tuner related data (see Figure 4 - Tuner Settings), and includes:
Currently active tuner.
Enabled/disabled status.
Tuned frequency.
Tuner’s symbol rate.
FEC, Data rate, Framing mode, and Modulation mode.
Low EB Alarm Threshold
Data Rate
Framing Mode
Modulation Mode
Tuner Carrier Lock status
Locked Tuner Frequency – Shows the actual locked frequency with offset
The acquisition state of the tuner.
Eb/N0 – The energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio, it is a normalized signal-to-noise ratio measure, also
known as “SNR per bit” (see Section 3.3).
AGC – A closed-loop feedback regulation mechanism, helps to equalize the average volume of different signals due
to varying signal strength.
Fade count* of the tuner.
Reed-Solomon error count*.
Current LNB offset.
On / off status of the LNB.
*The fade count and Reed-Solomon errors can be reset by pressing the Clear Statistics button.
Tuner settings can be edited at any time by pressing the Edit Tuner Settings button.
Figure 4: Tuner Settings