Pressure Control of Layer Volume
With firmware version 2.00, it is now possible to use pressure control to expressively control the volume level of a timbre
layer. 3 different modes—including ‘off’—for pressure volume control can now be selected as an option parameter. Each
pressure volume control mode has a unique reference code as shown in the table below. The pressure volume control
mode setting can be accessed when setting the volume levels of the Main, Sub and Extra timbre layers using the mixer
parameters Mix Main Lev, Mix Sub Lev and Mix Xtra Lev.
For example:
In this case, the setting ‘--' indicates ‘Control Off’, meaning that pressure control is not mapped to control volume level.
Using the and buttons either side of the LCD display, you can switch between and select the different pressure
volume control modes. For example, let’s consider the following setting:
With this setting, the code ‘P+’ engages a pressure volume control mode, and the volume level of the sound is mapped
to pressure control. Until pressure is applied you will not hear any sound. As you increase the level of pressure the
volume level of the sound increases. Maximum pressure equates to the maximum volume level that is set for the timbre
layer, in this example, 100.
When the setting ‘P-‘ is made, the pressure-volume mapping is reversed. With no pressure applied, the sound is heard
at its maximum set volume level. As pressure is progressively applied, the volume of the sound decreases. At maximum
pressure, in theory at least, you should not hear any sound (volume level = 0), although to control this in practice is quite
Instrument and effect parameters
XMixMainLev, MixSub Lev, MixXtra Lev
Control Off
Pressure volume control mode is ‘off’ (not activated).
Pressure Control Volume Up
The volume level of the sound increases as the level of applied
pressure increases.
Pressure Control Volume Down
The volume level of the sound decreases as the level of applied
pressure increases.
(Note) Pressure volume control has no effect when the timbre layer’s volume level is set at zero (e.g. XMixMainLev:0).