SAS device:
A lighted green LED on each connector
indicates a link has been established on at least one
PHY, and off means there are no links or the port is
disabled (SAS port B LED will always be off).
LEDs on the faceplate are:
A lighted green LED indicates power has been
turned on to the bridge.
A Ready LED
is lighted green to indicate ready and off
to show not ready.
An Alert LED
is lighted yellow to show an alert
Fibre Channel port:
two discrete LEDs per port
indicate activity and link. The first green LED of each
port indicates activity, where on means there is activity
and off means no activity on the port. The second
green FC port LED indicates link, where a lighted
green LED indicates link and off means no link.
SAS device:
A lighted green LED for each SAS
connector indicates a link has been established on at
least one PHY in the connector, and off means there
are no links or the port is disabled (SAS port B LED will
always be off).
Exhibit 1.1-1 Connectors, LEDs and power receptacle on the connector side and LEDs on the faceplate.