Installation, Operation & Maintenance Guide
1-888-MY-AIR11 CAG-06-21-003
Mode of Operation
The AtmosSmart™ Sensor array monitors 8 sensors in its standard configuration: Temperature in °F/°C, Humidity in RH%, TVOC
(total volatile organic compounds), CO (Carbon monoxide), CO2 (Carbon dioxide) which is helpful in determining occupancy, O3
(Ozone), HCHO (Formaldehyde), and PM (Particulate Matter). The IAQ readings can be output by attaching an HDMI capable
display. Display is accessible from a HDMI port located in the Sensor Array body. The display can be placed up to 35’ (10 meters)
away from the sensor array. The HDMI port can output to a Tablet or a remote display (as specified). Longer HDMI runs than 35’ are
achievable with an HDMI repeater. AtmosSmart™ is BMS compatible through BACnet IP and displays real-time Indoor Air Quality
data to BMS.