Pilot´s Operating Handbook of ATEC 322 Faeta LSA with Rotax 912iS engine
ATEC v.o.s. Libice nad Cidlinou, Czech Republic
Page 14 of 56
Permitted Manoeuvres
Category of the aircraft:
Operations are limited to non-aerobatic manoeuvres that include:
Any manoeuvres necessary to normal flying
Training of stalls
Steep turns, in which the angle of bank is not more than 60°
Aerobatic manoeuvres are prohibited!
Load Factors
Maximum positive load factor in CG
+ 4,0 G
Maximum negative load factor in CG
- 2,0 G
Type of Operation
Only VFR day flights are permitted (flight by visual reference to the ground during the daytime)
IFR flights ( instrumental flights ) and flights by ice formation are prohibited!
Number of seats
Minimum weight of crew
132,0 lb
Maximum weight of crew
396,8 lb
Fuel tank
Fuel capacity
2 x 13,2 US gal
Not usable rest of fuel
0,26 US gal
Recommended motor unleaded petrol of minimum octane number RON 95, 97
The safe take-off and landing is only possible if the following wind speed limits are not exceeded:
a) take-off or landing headwind
up to 23 kt
b) take-off or landing tailwind
up to 6 kt
c) take-off or landing crosswind
up to 12 kt
Never operate the aircraft exceeding wind range limits determined!