Pilot´s Operating Handbook of ATEC 322 Faeta LSA with Rotax 912iS engine
ATEC v.o.s. Libice nad Cidlinou, Czech Republic
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binding wire too. One hole is drilled in the horizontal tail body and two holes are in the screw head.
Finally, cover the hole on upper side of the HT with a white plastic sticker (to avoid water intrusion).
•HT fitting covers assembly.
HT fitting covers help to avoid vibration occurence in flight. Apply the HT fitting fiber-glass covers
(obtained with double-side tape) according to following picture:
Horizontal tail disassembly
Remove the fiber-glass covers of HT fitting. Pay attention not to damage them as these will be
needed for a future assembly. Release and unscrew M6 screw, which is adjusting the position of HT,
on upper side of the HT. Release and remove M8 screws of the main HT fitting. Tilt the HT so that it
is possible to disconnect the pin of HT pushrod. Remove the HT and secure the ball bearing with a
binding wire. Store the HT on safe and dry place with stable temperature. The HT needs to be
enough secured and prevented from structural and surface damage.
Wings Assembly/Disassembly
At least two people are needed for wings assembly/disassembly. One for assembly and one (or
better two) assistant(s) to hold and support the wing to avoid its fall and damage.
Your assistant takes the wing on the wingtip and you take it on the root. (The second assistant which
can hold the wing on flap would be helpful). Pick the wing up and then lay it down on any smooth,
soft pad (e.g. mattress).
Wings assembly
(same for both left and right wing)
Flap pushrod preparation - connection into the wing
Put the wing into the position by its leading edge down (on the soft pad). Hold the wing together
with your assistant, who deflect the flap and so the rod lever will protrude out. This enables you
better access to connect the flap pushrod with the flap lever.
Pay attention to install the correct pushrod (LEFT („L“) or RIGHT („R“)) to appropriate wing. Pay
attention to correct pushrod position (its non-adjustable end leads into the wing and the adjustable
one towards the fuselage (the sticker with letters L/R will be on upper side). Fix the connection by
the pin of Ø5mm and split pin (all such parts delivered attached on the pushrod).
•Aileron pushrod preparation - connection into the wing
Screw the aileron pushrod to the adjustable end protruding from the wing. Pay attention to install
the correct pushrod (LEFT or RIGHT) to appropriate aileron. Exact tuning will be adjusted later.