Printer Operating Instructions and Troubleshooting Guide
AST2 © 10/26/16
Page 4
The X-axis and Y-axis limit switch end stops are fixed. The Z-axis end stop is
adjustable to allow for a wider range of adjustment when leveling the print board.
Please see Section V for more information on calibrating the Z-axis end stop, and
Section VI for more information on how to level the print board.
Printer Hot End Assembly
The printer hot end assembly is the mounted on the top of the printer and moved horizontally
along the X-axis. The printer hot end assembly is comprised of two main components: the
extruder motor and the hot end. The extruder motor sits on top of the assembly, and it pushes
the filament to the hot end. The hot end sits below the extruder motor, and it heats the
filament to the specified temperature. The filament then passes through the hot end nozzle.
The hot end has a thermistor embedded which relays the temperature of the hot end to the
printer’s operating program which is referred to as firmware and is located in RAMBo board.
Y-axis Limit