Printer Operating Instructions and Troubleshooting Guide
AST2 © 10/26/16
Page 32
the RAMBo in the correct direction - the side of the wire with the red line should be on the
side closest to the front of the printer. Return power to the printer and verify that the LCD
screen is working properly.
LCD displays nonsensical characters
Probable Cause
: Static charge to LCD.
Disconnecting and reconnecting the printer power supply will cause the LCD to
reset and function normally. If the LCD displays senseless characters during a print, let the
print finish and the hot end cool down. Then, disconnecting and reconnecting power to the
printer will reset the LCD screen. This will not affect the quality of the print. If necessary to
stop the print, disconnect the power and reconnect the power, and then remove the part and
start the print again.
No power to the printer
Probable Cause 1:
Plug not completely inserted.
: Make sure power cord is plugged into appropriate power source. Check the back
of the printer to ensure that the power adaptor is connected properly to the power plug
breakout board. Remove the top cover of the printer and check the power plug breakout
board connector cable. Ensure that one end of this cable is inserted completely in the 6 pin
connector in the breakout board, and ensure that the other end is plugged into the
appropriate port on the RAMBo board.
Probable Cause 2:
Fuse burnt out.
: If above remedy does not resolve issue, there may be a burnt out fuse on the RAMBo
board. Replace the fuses on the RAMBo board with the appropriate new fuse. Submit Support
Ticket if unsure of necessary fuse.
Print board will not level
Probable Cause 1:
Red thumb screws too far out of adjustment.
: If unable to level the print board due to not having enough room to turn the red
thumbscrew (either all the way tightened or too loose and falling out of the threads), the
height of the Z-axis end stop may not be set properly. If the red thumbscrews can be tightened
no further, lower the Z-axis end stop to create more space between the hot end and print
board. If the red thumbscrews can be loosened no further, raise the Z-axis end stop to create
less space between the hot end and print surface. Re-level the print board.
Probable Cause 2:
Wave springs missing or not properly seated.
: If it appears that the Z-axis end stop is at the appropriate height and are
experiencing a problem with just one of the thumbscrews, review that each of the red
thumbscrews are compressing a wave spring on top of a spacer. Review that the springs are