Printer Operating Instructions and Troubleshooting Guide
AST2 © 10/26/16
Page 30
Print is oval instead of round
Probable Cause:
Not correct stepper motor.
If the print has a consistently distorted shape, the stepper motor is incorrect.
Watch print to determine which motor is the cause of the problem. Submit a Support
Ticket for a replacement motor.
Print shape is erratic
Probable Cause:
Loose drive gear on stepper motor.
: If the printer is printing very erratically, there may be a loose drive gear on
either the X-axis or Y-axis motor. Stop the print, allow the hot end to cool down, and
remove the part. Observe the gears on the X-axis and Y-axis motors to determine which
gear is loose. Confirm that the gear is loose by attempting to slide the gear up and down
or rotate the gear on the shaft. Check to see that one set screw is perfectly aligned to the
middle of the flat side of the motor drive. If it is not, the gear is slipping. Once determined
which gear is loose, remove tension on the applicable belt by loosening the idler bolt used
for tension adjustment. Remove the belt from the gear. Align one of the set screws so
that it is perpendicular to the flat portion of the motor shaft. Adjust the gear height if
necessary - on the X-axis approximately 5mm of motor shaft should protrude from the
top of the gear, and the Y-axis the motor shaft should be recessed approximately 5mm.
Tighten the set screws to affix the motor gear to the shaft. Loop the belt around the
motor, place tension on the belt and tighten the idler bolt. Re-attempt the print to verify
that the issue is corrected. It may be necessary to remove the motor for access to the
Printed part is very hard to remove
Probable Cause:
Print board too close to hot end.
Carefully remove the stuck part so not to damage the BuildTak. Place the
scraper perfectly flat on the print board at the edge of the part that appears is the easiest
place to wedge the scraper under the part. Sharply to tap the end of the scraper to
remove the part. Once the hot end is cooled down, level the print board. Initiate a print
to verify that the board level is correct; repeat board leveling if necessary.
Printed part lifts or warps
Probable Cause 1:
Print board too far from hot end or board not level on one side.
: If the part is lifting off of the BuildTak or warping, the print board may be too
far from the hot end. If it appears the board is perfectly level but simply too far from the
hot end, rotate the Z-axis end stop counter-clockwise half a turn so that the limit switch
engages closer to the hot end. Rotate another half a turn if necessary.