Printer Operating Instructions and Troubleshooting Guide
AST2 © 10/26/16
Page 26
to the rear of the printer). When plugged in, the blue motor wire should be closest to the
front of the printer.
Remedy 2:
Extruder motor gear may be loose. Observe the rotation of the extruder motor
shaft and gear while the extruder motor is operating. If shaft is rotating but the gear is
stationary, the extruder motor gear is loose and must be tightened. Remove the filament from
the hot end and extruder motor. Unscrew the silver thumbscrews on the top of the hot end
assembly to access the extruder motor. Remove the three screws and washers that attach
the filament drive to the extruder motor and remove the filament drive. Use a 1mm Allen
wrench to tighten the set screw that affixes the extruder motor gear to the extruder motor
shaft (the gear should sit flush with the top of the motor shaft). Ensure that the set screw
seats onto the flat portion of the motor shaft; rotate the gear as required to align the set screw
with the flat portion of the motor shaft. Reattach the filament drive to the extruder motor.
Place the extruder motor back onto the hot end mount and tighten the upper mounting
bracket onto the extruder motor using the silver thumbscrews.
Remedy 3:
Hot end may not be preheated; if so, the extruder motor will not turn as a safety
precaution in the firmware. Verify that the hot end is heated to at least 200°C.
Remedy 4:
Motor may be defective. Submit Support Ticket.
Probable Cause 3:
Hot end plugged
: If the hot end is plugged, DO NOT insert any foreign object into the top of the hot
end such as a paper clip or tooth pick. Turn on the printer, go to the Info screen, and select
Preheat PLA.
Once the hot end is heated, go to the Info screen and select
Move Axis,
Move 1mm,
. Rotate the knob counter clockwise to remove the filament from
the hot end. Cut off the partially melted end of the filament at a 45 degree angle. Allow the
hot end to sit heated for 10 minutes; filament may drip from the hot end. After 10 minutes,
re-insert the filament into the filament drive. Go to the Info screen and select
Move Axis,
Move 1mm
, then
. Rotate the knob clockwise and attempt to push the filament
though the hot end to remove the plug. If filament extrudes, the issue has been resolved. It
may help to raise the temperature of the hot end to 250°C using the LCD temperature control.
Temperature needs to be immediately reset after clearing the filament. If filament still does
not extrude, submit a Support Ticket.
Probable Cause 4:
Filament melted between hot end and filament drive.
: If the fan that cools the hot end is not working, either due to malfunction or if it has
become unplugged, it may cause the hot end to overheat to the point that filament melts just
below the filament drive. If the fans are not working, verify that the quick disconnects are
completely attached at the top of the hot end assembly. If fans still do not work, submit a
Support Ticket. If filament has melted between the filament drive and hot end, attempt to
remove the extruder motor and clean the melted filament with a small flathead screwdriver.
Fracture the filament both above the hot end and below the filament drive. Once this filament