PAG. 3
alternatively show the parameter’s code and its programming
value, which can be modified by using the “UP” or “DOWN” keys.
Once the desired value has been programmed, push key “P” once
more: the new value will be memorised and the display will show
only the code of the selected parameter.
By using the “UP” or “DOWN” keys, it is then possible to select a
new parameter (if present) and modify it as described above.
To select another group of parameters, keep the “UP” or “DOWN”
key pressed for approx. 2 sec., afterwards the display will return to
visualise the code of the group of parameters.
Release the key and by using the “UP” and “DOWN” keys, it will be
possible to select a new group.
To exit the programming mode, no key should be pressed for
approx. 20 seconds, or keep the “UP” or “DOWN” pressed until exit
from the programming mode is obtained.
The programming and exit modes for the “OPEr” menu are the
same as those described for menu “ConF” with the difference that
to access the menù "OPEr" the Password is not required.
2 sec.
Hold for
2 sec.
Hold for
The instrument is programmed in factory with all the
parameters, to exception of the Set Point "SP1" (and 2,3,4),
programmable in the menù "ConF" to the purpose to prevent wrong
accidental programming from non experienced consumers.
The menu “OPEr” normally contains the parameters used to
program the Set Point; however it is possible to make all desired
parameters appear or disappear on this level, by following this
Enter the menu “ConF” and select the parameter to be made
programmable or not programmable in the menu “OPEr”.
Once the parameter has been selected, if the LED SET is switched
off, this means that the parameter is programmable only in the
menu “ConF”, if instead the LED is on, this means that the
parameter is also programmable in the menu “OPEr”.
To modify the visibility of the parameter, push key “U” : the LED
SET will change its state indicating the parameter accessibility level
(on = menu ”OPEr” and “ConF”; off = menu “ConF” only).
The active Set Point and the alarm thresholds will only be visible on
the Set Point fast programming level (described in par. 2.1) if the
relative parameters are programmed to be visible (i.e. if they are
present in the menu “OPEr”).
The possible modification of these Sets, with the procedure
described in par. 2.1, is instead subordinate to what is programmed
in par.
(contained in the group “
This parameter can be programmed as :
=SE : The active Set Point can be modified while the alarm
thresholds cannot be modified.
=AE : The active Set Point cannot be modified while the alarm
thresholds can be modified
=SAE : Both the active Set Point and the alarm thresholds can be
=SAnE : Both the active Set Point and the alarm thresholds cannot
be modified
The controller can act in 3 different ways : automatic control
control off
and manual control
The instrument is able to pass from one state to the other :
- by selecting the desired state from the main selection menu suing
the keyboard.
- By using the key “U” on the keyboard; suitably programming par.
“USrb” (“USrb” = tunE; “USrb” = OPLO; “USrb” = OFF) it is possible
to pass from “rEG” state to the state programmed on the parameter
and vice versa.
- By using the digital input 1 suitably programming par. “diF” (“diF”
= = OFF) it is possible to pass from “rEG” state to the state OFF
and vice versa.
- Automatically (the instrument swaps into "rEG" state at the and of
the auto-tuning execution)
When switched on, the instrument automatically reassumes the
state it was in when it was last switched off.
– Automatic control is the normal
functioning state of the controller.
During automatic control it is possible to visualize the control power
on the display by pushing key “UP”.
The range of the power values goes from H100 (100% of the output
power with reverse action) to C100 (100% of the output power with
direct action).
– The instrument can be swapped into the
“OFF” state, i.e. the control and the relative outputs are
The alarm outputs are instead working normally.
– By means of this
option it is possible to manually program the power percentage
given as output by the controller by deactivating automatic control.
When the instrument is swapped to manual control, the power
percentage is the same as the last one supplied and can be
modified using the “UP” and “DOWN” keys.
As in the case of automatic control, the programmable values
range from H100 (+100%) to C100 (-100%).
To return to automatic control, select "rEG" in the selection menu.
This instrument permits pre-programming of up to 4 different Set
points (
) and then selection of which
one must be active. The maximum number of Set points is
determined by the par.
located in the group of parameters “
The active Set point can be selected :
- by parameter
in the group of parameters “
- by key “U” if par. "USrb" = CHSP
- by the digital inputs if diF” = CHSP , = SP1.2 , =SP1.4
- Automatically between SP1 and SP2 if a time “dur.t” (see par. 4.4)
has been programmed.
Set Points “SP1”, “SP2”, “SP3”, “SP4” will be visible depending on
the maximum number of Set Points selected on par. “nSP” and they
can be programmed with a value that is between the value
programmed on par.
and the one programmed on par.
: in all the following examples the Set point is indicated as
"SP", however the instrument will act according to the Set point
selected as active.
manufactured as a measuring and control device
to be used according to EN61010-1 for the
altitudes operation until 2000 ms.
The use of the instrument for applications not
expressly permitted by the above mentioned rule must adopt all the
necessary protective measures.
The instrument CANNOT be used in dangerous environments
(flammable or explosive) without adequate protection.
The installer must ensure that EMC rules are respected, also after
the instrument installation, if necessary using proper filters.
Whenever a failure or a malfunction of the device may cause
dangerous situations for persons, thing or animals, please