Binding your DSSS series 2.4GHz R/C system
Place the transmitter and the receiver within one (1) metre of each other.
Do not press the bind button when the transmitter and receiver are bound, as it will break the bind!
1. Plug the bind plug into the receiver in
BATT. socket. Connect a power supply to
the receiver. The receiver’s LED will flash.
2. Press the transmitter’s bind button, then
turn on the transmitter.
3. The LED on the receiver will go solid.
This indicates that the bind is successful.
4. Remove the bind plug, the LED will flash.
5. Press the transmitter’s bind button again.
The indicator light will flash for a few seconds.
Once it turns green, the transmitter is ready
to use.
6. The receiver’s LED turns solid again,
which means that the radio system is bound
and ready to use.