1. Before flight a radio range check should be conducted. A minimum distance of 200m between the radio
and model with the model on the ground whilst maintaining full control of the model is recommended.
If you cannot control the model at 200m, then do not fly!
2. Make sure both your flight pack, and your radio batteries are fully charged before attempting to fly.
3. During flight, if the model is ‘yawing’ to the right, adjust the rudder trim to the left to correct this.
If the model is ‘yawing’ to the left, then adjust the rudder trim to the right.
4. If the model is trying to drop its nose during flight, then adjust the elevator trim downwards to correct
this. If the model is trying to lift its nose, then adjust the elevator trim upwards.
Upon landing, if you have had to make excessive trim adjustments to the elevator, it is advisable to
double-check your centre of gravity.
If your centre of gravity is correct, then you may wish to check your elevator clevices and ensure
your control surfaces are level.
5. If the model is ‘banking’ to the left, then adjust the aileron trim to the right. If the model is ‘banking’
to the right, then adjust the aileron trim to the left.
1. If you have a flight simulator we recommend that you practice with it before flying your radio control
model. It will give you an understanding of how the transmitter operates the model and increase
your chances of a successful first flight.
2. Before flight, check all control surfaces operate in the correct direction and move freely.
3. On your first flight, we recommend flying to a height of around 100m and reducing the throttle to
30%. This will allow you to get used to the way the model handles and performs.
4. When taking off, position yourself into the wind, this gives better airflow over the wings and allows
the model to take-off more easily.
5. Always fly your model in front of you, never fly behind yourself or over your head.
6. To increase flight times, spare battery packs are preferred over a larger battery as this will not
upset the performance or weight distribution of the model.