IPC1100 Advanced IP Client Video Set-top
Installation and Operations Manual
365-095-24769 x.1 10/13
Last Successful MRL
IPMC Join Time
The time when the product last successfully joined the MRL multicast, if
MRL Error
The error, if any, occurred during download, expressed in the format "DLxx".
DL00 - No-error
DL21 - Invalid MRL source
DL22 - Unable to join MRL multicast
DL23 - Failed to authenticate MRL file
DL24 - Invalid MRL file
DL25 - Unable to parse MRL
DL26 - MRL without matching target type
DL27 - MRL missing campaign for target type
Object Status (Page 3 of 3)
Object Name
The name of the software object loaded / downloading onto the set-top.
Object Version
The version of the software object loaded / downloading onto the set-top.
Object Size
Indicates object size.
Download Status
The status of the object download, expressed as a text string, which may
"Available", "Download-In-progress, "Download-Completed", "Download-
Paused", "Authenticating", "Activation-Pending", "Installing", "Executing",
"Executing-but-Deletion-Pending", "Error", or "Other".
Associated DL Errors
The error, if any, occurred during download, expressed in the format "DLxx".
Download errors may include:
DL00 - No-error
DL01 - Object incompatible with the target STB
DL02 - The object cannot be found
DL03 - reserved
DL04 - reserved
DL05 - reserved
DL06 - The object fails validation / authentication
DL07 - Storage capacity exceeded
DL08 - reserved
DL11 - Download timed out
DL12 - Unable to join the multicast group
DL13 - Low memory
DL14 - Invalid object format
DL15 - Unsupported object type
DL16 - Unable to reach unicast URL
DL17 - Unable to resolve unicast URL
DL18- File does not exist"
DL19- Cannot access file
DL31 - Could not flash
Download Server IP
The IP address of the server from which the object is downloaded. In case of
Multicast, it represents the Source IP.
Current DL Server
The type of download server currently being used. Options are: