Control system
User's manual
Product code 1003418
Console (:CN)
The :CN port is the default programming port or the console port of the MC300.
When connecting a terminal device such as a CRT terminal, a PC with a terminal program or
an ARLACON program development system, the programmer can directly access the MC300
McDos operating system and the McBasic programming environment.
Alternately, using the McDos CNTO command, another port can be assigned to be the console
port. This way for example
Redirects console operation to MC300 lcd display and keyboard. This command can be written
in the WAKEUP.EX file run by McDos at power-up or used from an McBasic program with the
McBasic SYSTEM() command. For example:
will redirect the console including ctrl-X operation to stop the program.
can be used to set console back to CN: port.
The console port can be used to edit programs, issue commands, upload and download
programs and test the system.
When running an application program the CN: port or any port assigned to be the console, can
also be used for any other communications purpose. However, the current console port always
reacts to ctrl-X by stopping the McBasic program being run. Redirecting console can be used
to avoid this when running protocols written to use also ctrl-X.
The MC300 can also connect to McNet RS485 local network via the CN: or LP: channel as a
network peripheral device (see McNet documentation).
When starting the MC300, all logical devices (#nn, see McBasic user's manual) refer to the
console port channel (default CN:).
Auxiliary communications channel (LP:)
The LP: port can be use for any communications purpose in the application. Initially, there are
both RS-232 and RS-422/485 signals available for use with it. When connecting a McWay I/O
system to the MC300, the RS-422/485 signals for LP: are automatically connected to the
McWay I/O controller in the MC300. The RS-232 signals remain connected to the LP: port to
allow simultaneous use with McWay I/O. If it is necessary to have other signal types for LP:
while running McWay I/O, an optional WGT02310 module can be connected to convert to
either RS-422 or optical fibre signals.
The :LP channel can be used for connecting devices such as a serial printer, other computer,
barcode wand etc.
LP: McWay master signals
To use the MC300 with McWay i/o, the control unit must first be configured to use the number
0 McWay channel with the McBasic WAYMOD$ command. This will automatically connect the
LP: port RS-422 signals or optical fibre signals to the MC300 internal McWay controller leaving