LAST UPDATED: 3/08/2018
This section will help you identify and potentially rectify some common faults
that can occur with electric bikes. Please make sure to thoroughly check the
below before you touch base with the support desk.
Disconnect all components prior to troubleshooting.
Do not skip over this
process. In many cases, the problem can be as simple as a plug coming loose.
Simply disconnecting and then reconnecting components like the battery or
display unit may solve your problem. Reconnect each component, one
in case the issue resides there. You may uncover the culprit very quickly.
Range Extension Advice:
Reduce use of throttle. Using the throttle burns a lot more power than
utilising the pedal assistance system, allowing you to ride without having to
feed any power into the system.
Use a lower level of pedal assistance. Maxing out the pedal assistance and
riding at full speed with minimal effort is a treat but, like so many things in
life, moderation is key. Decreasing your pedal assistance level to medium
or low numbers will increase your electric bike
s range (and you can still say
you got your cardio in for the day).
Keep an eye on your tyre pressure. Low tyre pressure can be a significant
contributor to battery drain —
the lower the tyre pressure, the harder they
are to turn. Maintain your tyre pressure to the appropriate level for your
ride using the pressure range written on the side of the bicycle
s tire wall.
Avoid mountainous areas. Although electric bikes are great at climbing
hills, doing so will quickly drain the battery as the motor will require more
energy to make the climb. The flatter your route, the greater the range.
Pedal more! This cant be said enough. It is easy to become lazy with an
electric bike. Pedalling will decrease strain on the battery and give you
health benefit at the same time.