User manual S200 WCS
Update August 2021
6 . 7 . 1 S e t p o i n t s e t t i n g s
You can set the desired set point for the selected measurement in this menu.
Set the desired value, e.g. 7.30 pH.
6 . 7 . 2 P ro p o rt i o n a l b a n d ( P - s h a r e )
If a proportional band of 0.00 pH is set, the controller works as On-Off
controller/controller without proportional action.
The setting for the proportional band determines the control range of the proportional
controller. If the difference between the set point reaches the size of the proportional band,
the control works with a controlled variable of 100 %.
6 . 7 . 3 I n t e g ra l a c t i o n t i m e ( I n t e g ra l g a i n )
If an integral action time of 0 sec. is set, the control works as a proportional controller,
provided a P-band has been set.
With the setting for the integral action time, the control rate of the PI control is set.
6 . 7 . 4 Hys t e r e s is
If the controller is operated as On-Off controller, it is possible to use the hysteresis setting to
set a default dead band around the set point.
Set point = 7.00 pH
Hysteresis = 0.50 pH
The hysteresis range of 0.50 pH is distributed evenly around the set point. The controller
turns on at 6.75 pH and off at 7.25 pH.
The difference corresponds to 0.50 pH = hysteresis.
6 . 7 . 5 L i m i t v a l u e m a x . / m i n .
With the threshold setting it is possible to monitor the maximum deviation of the actual value.
When reaching the set limits, the alarm relay is activated and a corresponding message is
displayed in the status display.
The alarm message and the display can be delayed for an adjustable time.
6 . 7 . 6 Ala rm d ela y tim e
When reaching the set limit values, the alarm message is delayed for the set time. If you set
the numerical value 0 sec., the alarm message is displayed immediately (no delay).
6 . 7 . 7 Do sin g m o nitor in g
If the metering is carried out with a capacity of 100% for a longer time than the set dosing time
monitoring, the metering is interrupted and an alarm message is displayed. The alarm relay is
activated and a corresponding message is displayed in the status display. This alarm message
must be confirmed by switching from
Manual operation
. If you set the numerical
value 0 min., the alarm message is displayed immediately (no delay).